The season finale of Grantchester was directed by Rob Evans and written by Daisy Coulam. The episode was released on August 13, 2023, on ITV.

The final episode saw Geordie keep his job and Elliot getting transferred to another location. Geordie had always been bothered that he had to retire. He loved being a cop and had even informed Mac about it.

The official synopsis of this episode read:

"Will disappears, and with Bonnie about to give birth, Geordie must find him and bring him to his senses."

Disclaimers: Spoilers ahead.

Grantchester season 8 ending explained: Who did Leonard finally get to meet?

Geordie returned to work in the latest episode because his retirement was pushed. Furthermore, Larry had indeed freed Leonard. Elliot was furious at Geordie for reporting him for his outburst in the previous episode. Thankfully, he got transferred and Geordie will continue working as a cop. He did not want to retire and even Mac knew about this.

Meanwhile, at the church, Leonard made a heartfelt apology to Will. Everyone witnessed this, including one of Dickens' puppies. Will then christened his own son.

Cathy, on the other hand, had found a solution for her daycare issues when Mrs. C began taking care of her and Geordie's children. She was seen packing lunches for the family and even dressing the kids and taking them out. Everything seemed under control.

Leonard finally got to meet Keith's adult son. Everthing was going well with Mac, Jacob, and Sadie. Will too was in a much better place mentally as he had learned to find happiness in the simple things in life.

Right at the end, James, Geordie, Dickens, and his son, Sam Milburn, were seen walking. Geordie even had a new dog.

Grantchester season 9 update

In July 2023, Grantchester was renewed for another season. However, it was also revealed that the upcoming season would be Tom Brittney's final stint on the show. The actor portrayed the role of Reverend William "Will" Davenport. His successor on the show is actor Rishi Nair. Nair's character will be named Vicar Alphy Kotteram.

In a recent interview with Masterpiece, Tom Brittney said that he will truly miss working on Grantchester:

"I’ve had the most incredible time playing Will Davenport for the last five years. I got to solve crimes with my best friend, and work with the best cast and crew I could ever ask for. I’ll miss it more than anything. But it’s time for the baton to be passed, as it once was to me, and I’m so excited for Rishi to join the Grantchester family."

Speaking about Brittney's exit, executive producer for Kudos Emma Kingsman-Lloyd added,

"It’s the end of an era as we say an emotional farewell to Tom Brittney. He’s been extraordinary in the past five series, and we’ll miss him very much. But audiences can look forward to a new and fantastically entertaining chapter as we welcome Rishi Nair to the series. Alphy Kotteram is charismatic, witty and will give Geordie a run for his money. I think the audience will love our new addition."

The premiere date of the upcoming season is yet to be announced.

Grantchester synopsis

According to Rotten Tomatoes, the synopsis of the show reads:

"In the Cambridgeshire village of Grantchester in the 1950s, gruff, down-to-earth police inspector Geordie Keating's methodical approach to police work complements the intuitive techniques of local vicar Sidney Chambers, and later the Rev. Will Davenport."

It continues:

"Geordie forms an unlikely partnership with both men of the cloth, and as partners they bring different insights into the crimes they start to unravel, forming true friendships as they work together. Village life in Grantchester proves to be much livelier than its sleepy appearance might suggest, with intrigue and gossip swirling in the background of Geordie's investigations."

Developed by Daisy Coulam, Grantchester stars James Norton, Robson Green, Morven Christie, and several others.

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