Jalin Turner is set to take on Mateusz Gamrot at UFC 285 this weekend and will head into the bout with a dramatic height advantage over his opponent. 'The Tarantula' measures 191cm while Gamrot stands 178cm tall. However, his unusual height for the division does not make Turner the tallest lightweight ever.
This honor goes to Corey Hill, a former MMA fighter who tragically passed away in 2015.
Hill was 6' 4", an inch taller than 'The Tarantula'. The fighter also suffered what Joe Rogan has described as the worst broken leg in UFC history. Rogan, a consummate professional, stated that it was the only bout he ever screamed at the referee to stop the fight.
See an image of the leg break below:
Turner was signed by the UFC in 2018 following a TKO victory on Dana White's Contender Series that year. 'The Tarantula' was given the tough task of facing welterweight contender Vicente Luque on his debut and lost the bout via KO.
However, Turner is 6-1 in his last seven. After an impressive victory against Brad Riddell at UFC 276, 'The Tarantula' was meant to face Dan Hooker at UFC 285 before the Kiwi was forced to withdraw from the bout in February after breaking his hand. Jalin Turner will now face Mateusz Gamrot.
Jalin Turner previews his matchup with Mateusz Gamrot at UFC 285
Jalin Turner is eager to break into the top echelon of the UFC lightweight division with a win over No.7-ranked Mateusz Gamrot. The No.10-ranked Turner now has a chance to move as high as No.7 with a win at UFC 285.
Jalin Turner recently previewed the upcoming matchup during an interview with Mike Bohn and said:
"[Mateusz Gamrot] is a good opponent, he's gonna come in and try to shoot and try and wrestle. I already kind of expected that from Dan [Hooker] a little bit, so I was a little bit prepared [already]. It's another fight, I'm ready to take on whoever wants to step up."Watch the interview below:
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