Despite the seriousness of the Coronavirus, President Donald Trump has been making racist comments about the matter.

For the second day in a row, Trump decided to create controversy by calling the coronavirus, the “Chinese virus,” both on social media and during a live television event.

He tweeted: “I only signed the Defense Production Act to combat the Chinese virus should we need to invoke it in a worst-case scenario in the future. Hopefully, there will be no need, but we are all in this TOGETHER!”

After consulting with medical experts, and receiving guidance from the World Health Organization, CNN has determined that name is both inaccurate and is considered stigmatizing.

When Trump was pressed about using the term, which is inaccurate and creates hate toward Asian-Americans, he said that he has the right to use it because China tried to blame the virus on US soldiers.

The former reality TV star told reporters: “Cause it comes from China. It’s not racist at all, no, not at all. It comes from China; that’s why. I want to be accurate.”

He added: “I have a great love for all of the people from our country, but as you know, China tried to say at one point … that American soldiers caused it. That can’t happen. It’s not going to happen, not as long as I’m President. It comes from China.”

According to Trump, the term is not racist. Megyn Kelly backed Trump and said it was not bigotry against Asian-Americans.

She said: “I am so sick of seeking the news on coronavirus and constantly getting bombarded w/how it’s all Trump’s fault or what Trump is calling the damn virus. Can we focus on what needs to be done right now and play the blame/political game later? Good Lord.”

Senator John Cornyn, a Republican from Texas, defended Trump and other members of his party who are calling the coronavirus the “Chinese Virus.”

The senator stated: “I think China is to blame because the culture where people eat bats and snakes and dogs and things like that, these viruses are transmitted from the animal to the people, and that’s why China has been the source of a lot of these viruses like SARS, like MERS, the Swine Flu, and now the coronavirus. So I think they have a fundamental problem, and I don’t object to geographically identifying where it’s coming from.”

After the reporter said, “Asian Americans are feeling like it’s a racist thing,” Cornyn hit back with: “Oh, I disagree… We’re not talking about Asians, and we’re talking about China where these viruses emanate from and which have created this pandemic.”


Trump is using this issue to excite his base.
