While speaking to Chris Van Vliet this past Saturday at That Wrestling Event in Orlando, FL, Tyson Kidd was asked if he ever wants to wrestle again after suffering a life threatening injury. Tyson said it’s tough to say because he’s content with his role as a WWE producer.

“When I get asked this I always say never say never. But I’m happy with my job now, I enjoy it. I actually love it. It took a little bit and sometimes the early morning meetings to try to get my workout in are tough. I do feel fulfillment with what I’m doing now so it’s hard to say. After being temporarily paralyzed, it puts a lot of things in perspective. I always say never say never because down the road who knows, but at the moment I’m more than content doing what I’m doing.”

Tyson also discussed his injury and what he remembers from the night it happened.

“I remember everything very vividly. I lost feeling for about five seconds. Everything. Head to toe. Times ten. You just sit there in no control. I was in no control, I was at a higher power’s mercy. You’re just sitting there, all of a sudden your body feels like it weighs like 2 million pounds. But there was some weird voice telling me this isn’t permanent. Now in that five second span I’m thinking this little voice is telling me this but that doesn’t mean this voice is right though. But luckily, thankfully it was. I ended up going to a hospital then they transferred me to a different hospital. I stayed overnight then the doctor came the next morning and said ‘hey, I want to do emergency surgery on you.’ Fortunately with WWE we have access to the best of the best so Natty said to him ‘Are you the best?’ and the doctor said ‘No, I’m not the best but I can do it’ and she said ‘You’re not touching him.’ And I got airlifted a couple of days later from San Antonio to Tampa and the best guy happened to be in Tampa.”

Tyson reveals that after the injury Kurt Angle, Edge & Steve Austin reached out to him.

“As soon as I got hurt Kurt Angle reached out to me and Steve Austin reached out to me and Edge who I already had a pretty good relationship with.”

You can listen to his remarks in the video below.
