Today, Scarlett Bordeaux is the on-screen manager and real-life wife of The Harbinger of Doom, Karrion Kross. She has been a valuable asset to the former NXT Champion as she has run interference on her husband's behalf several times, most notably during his feud with Drew McIntyre.

The on-screen alliance with Kross has done wonders for her career. The husband-wife duo has had considerable success together. Their antics brought The Harbinger of Doom the NXT Championship and a massive victory over Drew McIntyre a few months ago. However, the SmackDown Superstar isn't the only male wrestler Bordeaux has been associated with in WWE during her tenure.

Scarlett Bordeaux made her main roster debut several years ago in 2014-15 as part of Adam Rose's Rosebuds. Along with a whole group of dancing and partying men and women, Bordeaux used to accompany the superstar to the ring.

Karrion Kross's wife also posted a picture of her as a group member on Twitter.

In December 2016, Scarlett received another opportunity for screentime on WWE's flagship show - Monday Night RAW. She served as an opponent for Nia Jax, who was being built as a monster back then. Despite being an enhancement talent, Bordeaux was grateful because she got to perform in her hometown of Chicago.

“Nia Jax or not, I’m just thrilled to be having my WWE debut in my hometown of Chicago, Illinois. The only thing that would make it better is if the woman who inspired me to get in the ring was here tonight… Sasha Banks.”

Finally, years later, Scarlett Bordeaux found her footing as The Harbinger of Doom's on-screen manager, and the rest, as they say, is history.

In addition to Scarlett Bordeaux, many other former Rosebuds are on the main roster today

While Adam Rose had an underwhelming run and was unceremoniously released in 2016, his former entourage of "The Rosebuds" introduced some of the company's top Superstars today.

Alexa Bliss and Becky Lynch are former Rosebuds. The former is a multi-time women's champion and one of the most publicly revered figures in the division. As for Lynch, The Man was among the first women to main event WrestleMania and is a top merchandise seller.

Braun Strowman is also a forgotten member of the squad. He is a former Universal Champion and Intercontinental Champion. It goes without saying that Adam Rose paved the way for the cream of the crop for future generations.

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